Are you in crisis? If you are considering suicide or need to talk, you can call or text 988 – the Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline. If you feel you cannot keep yourself safe, go to the nearest emergency department or call 911.

Welcome to YES
Welcome to Youth Empowerment Services (YES)!
Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is Idaho’s children’s mental health system of care that helps families access services and supports for their children under 18 who are at risk for or have serious emotional disturbance (SED). The YES system of care also creates meaningful partnerships between families, youth, providers, and public agencies to address the youth’s specific needs and help them function better at home, in school, and in the community. If your child is aged 18-21, and is eligible for Medicaid, similar services are available through EPSDT.
Find the information you need to get involved with YES.
July 1, 2024 Updates
The YES website was updated extensively July 1, 2024, to reflect the implementation of the new Idaho Behavioral Health Plan. This document details the specific changes and what they may mean for what you use on the site.
Learn about tools used in the YES system of care.
Connect with the resources you need.
Explore details about YES.
- Read more about YES
- Mental Health Crisis Definitions and Expectations
- Definición y expectativas de una crisis de salud mental
- Youth Crisis Safety Plan
- Plan de seguridad para crisis juveniles
- Crisis & Safety Planning – Video
- Cómo crear un plan eficaz de crisis y seguridad – Video
- What is a Child and Family Team? – Video
- Videos
- Terms to Know
- Additional Resources
Read about YES history and news.