Wraparound Intensive Services are a part of the YES system of care. Wraparound is a care coordination process intended to help youth who may be at risk for needing more intense and restrictive services, including out of home placements. It is also intended to help youth who are transitioning home from more intense and restrictive services.
Wraparound is not a crisis intervention, but a facilitated planning process to help bring everyone involved in a youth’s life together to create a coordinated care plan. The Wraparound process takes an average of 14 months, but may be longer or shorter based on the family’s needs.
Wraparound Intensive Services coordinators help families bring together all of the treatment plans that are involved in the child and family’s life. This may include plans from multiple mental health and medical providers, and frequently includes plans from child-serving agencies such as the child’s school, the Developmental Disabilities Program, the Youth Empowerment Services system of care, Family and Community Services, Juvenile Court, County Probation, and the Department of Juvenile Corrections. Participation in Wraparound Intensive Services is always voluntary.
If you are interested in using Wraparound Intensive Services, please contact WraparoundCoE@dhw.idaho.gov and a Wraparound coordinator will be assigned to you.
All youth who participate in Wraparound Intensive Services use the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) tool to help them identify needs they should address and strengths they can build on.
What is Wraparound – Video
Qué es El Programa de Asistencia Integral (Wraparound) – Video
Wraparound for Families – 8.5×11
YES Family Workbook
YES Youth Workbook
Wraparound for Providers: At a Glance
National Wraparound Initiative
CANS for Families: CANS 3.0 – Video
Children’s Mental Health Contacts
MH Crisis Definitions and Expectations
Youth Crisis Safety Plan
WInS Quality Assurance Reports