Official Government Website

YES Quality Management Improvement and Accountability (QMIA)

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YES QMIA Reports

The goal of Idaho’s Youth Empowerment Services (YES) program is to develop, implement, and sustain a child, youth, and family-driven, coordinated, and comprehensive children’s mental health            delivery system of care. This enhanced child serving system will       lead to improved outcomes for children, youth, and                                  families who are dealing with mental illness.

The Quality Management Improvement and Accountability Reports are a critical aspect of YES monitoring based on data collected by the YES partners, which includes the Department of Health and Welfare’s Divisions of Behavioral Health (DBH), Medicaid, and Family and Community Services (FACS), as well as the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections (IDJC), and the Idaho State Department of Education (SDE).

The QMIA reports have information about the children, youth, and families accessing mental health care in Idaho primarily through the Medicaid/Optum Network and DBH’s Children’s Mental Health (CMH) Regional clinics. Most of the data is from Medicaid or DBH as these two child serving systems provide most of the outpatient mental health care for children and youth. Data in the report includes children and youth who have Medicaid, children who do not have insurance and children whose family’s income is over the Medicaid Federal Poverty Guideline, children having trouble in school because of mental illness, children under court orders for mental health services including child protection, and children with developmental disabilities and co-occurring mental illness.

The QMIA reports are published quarterly on the YES website and are delivered to all YES workgroups to support decision making related to plans for YES system improvement by building collaborative systems, developing new services, and creating workforce training plans.

Questions? If information provided within QMIA reports create questions or an interest in additional data collection, please contact with your questions, concerns, or suggestions.

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